Genealogy Classes

Organizing Your DNA Matches

Have you done your DNA yet? If so, you may be faced with wondering what to do next. Many of us have SOOOOO many matches and we don’t have any idea how most of them fit into our family tree. Here is your opportunity to get starting organizing them.

Join Rebecca Novy as she explains the Leeds method for organizing your DNA matches and how it can help you.

When: August 20, 2020

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Where: Zoom Meeting

Two methods to join the meeting:

Email Rebecca Novy at and I will send you an email reminder with all handouts on August 17 or 18.

Click on the lick below on August 20th.

Topic: Organizing Your DNA Matches Using the Leeds Method
Time: Aug 20, 2020 05:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting