
The Ancestor Hunt

I am always looking for new resources, and I get excited when I find a new one! The Ancestor Hunt is a great site with links to many other useful sites.  There are links to newspapers, obituaries, births/marriages/deaths, yearbooks and more.  Many of these link connect to free sites where you can access the original records.

Under the newspaper tab, it has this to say about newspapers in the state of Virginia:

Virginia is one of the states that has a single central online state repository for searching historical newspapers. Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers, and several of Virginia’s free newspapers are available on the Library of Congress site. There are many free online newspapers available on other sites and their are collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them. 

There are over 2,800 newspapers that have been published in the Old Dominion – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But there are many that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Virginia ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives. 

Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.

In order to find out what newspapers are available in your state go to http://www.theancestorhunt.com/blog/virginia-online-historical-newspapers-summary#.W3cJn-hKjIU

There are also lessons in how to research and use old newspapers at http://www.theancestorhunt.com/newspapers.html#.W3cMN-hKjIU

Have fun searching!  I hope you find something new.